Put away weapon fallout new vegas
Put away weapon fallout new vegas

put away weapon fallout new vegas

Go up and into the offices and look for the sealed emergency door. There’s a speaker blocking off the rest of the area, so just backtrack to the casino with your key. You can hear Dog and God arguing, so you know we’re close.

put away weapon fallout new vegas

Grab the emergency maintenance key off of the counter. The only place you can go is behind the receptionist’s desk. The shielded speaker blocking the restaurant is now dead, so run through and into the restaurant. We’ve got to handle the rest of the team now. When you’re done, walk out and go back to the lobby to get your update. It’s incredibly nice to be able to buy the ammo and stimpaks (and doctor’s bags) that you need. If you have the luck to break the bank, you can sell your random gear to the bartender for pre-war money, and then use that to get chips from the cashier. You can play slots, roulette and blackjack in the different rooms, and also trade pre-war money for chips, and vice versa. Walk into the electrical close and pull the switch to turn the casino on. His emitter is right behind him in the corner, so you should be able to shoot it before he does much damage. I suggest you just run past him and turn around. Once that’s done, just jump down and walk over to the guard on duty.

put away weapon fallout new vegas

You may need to run back and hide to keep the last guard from going hostile. There’s an emitter on the rafter by the bar, so look over and shoot it. Walk back out to the bar, and look over into the casino floor. Loot the rest of the offices and use the terminal on the security chief assistant’s desk to unlock the electrical closet. Shoot it or disable it to kill the security hologram. Right past this door, there should be a hologram emitter up in the corner. There’s an automatic rifle and bullets on the shelf, along with more chips in the cabinet. Use the terminal for more backstory, and loot the area. Walk past him and through the door to the next security room. By the time you walk back, he’ll be facing the wrong way. Walk up the steps to the security office and hack the wall terminal. If you do it quickly, he won’t go hostile. Quickly walk past the security guard in the hallway. Destroy it, grab the security codes off of the bar and go past it into the next area. There’s a speaker behind the bar, next to the first aid kit. You can get codes for Scotch and Vodka on the desk too. Note that the code for wine is on the shelf behind the bar. Give it a moment to walk away, then slip behind it and go upstairs to the bar. The terminal on the right can set the security hologram to patrol the casino floor. It’s the only door you can really go into at the moment.

put away weapon fallout new vegas

Start by going into the Sierra Madre casino.

Put away weapon fallout new vegas